becauseofyou Becauseofyou

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becauseofyou Becauseofyou

发布时间:2020-11-11 14:11:33

On March 23, 2008 the couple welcomed their ziyue

You are the center of my world,You are everything to me,You are my sun, my moon, and my stars. You are all I can see.

满月的子越,满脸笑容的爸爸紧紧抱着稚嫩的儿子,眼睛里藏不住的骄傲和期待。目光所及之处都在盼。盼孩子在成长的过程中,能明辨是与非,不惧怕失败,能总是从失败中吸取宝贵的经验教训;能做强壮勇士,无所畏惧而又不失温和敦亲;做一个有梦想且有毅力去坚持梦想的人。Ziyue is one month old. The fresh Daddy hold him in the arm tightly with caution, proudness and blessing are clearly written in his warm eyes and smile, looking forward to the characters building up in the son's life. Hope the boy always learns right from wrong.May he be a little warrior, brave and fearless,but at the same time, kind, gentle yet strong.May he have dreams and never losethe power to follow his dreams and reach forthe highest stars in the sky.








Mama, You are my strength when I am weak,Baby, You are the treasure I seeked. We are our all in all. 妈妈是宝贝困难中的力量,宝贝是妈妈寻觅到的珍宝,我们是彼此的所有。

宝贝的亲吻轻柔地像一个小音符,里面包含着的却是世界上最华丽的乐章,满心满脑的热爱,真诚和世间最美的承诺。The kiss is a gentle note,Coming with the most charming melody,Full of love, faith and all the beautiful promises in the world.

Look into my eyes,You will see, what you mean to me. Search your heart, search your sole, when you search me, you search no more. 妈妈:看看我的眼睛,你会知道你在我心里的意义。宝贝:遍寻眉间心上,觅到你时,再没有寻寻觅觅。这个裙摆和姿势是标准的模特步,




刚才我亲了这世界上最漂亮的姑娘,仔细看看,不好意思,原来是我的娘亲。Just now,I kissed the most fabulous woman in the whole world.Then I just realized awkawardky but proudly, She is my mommy.








白天追太阳和光明,晚上捉月亮和梦境。梦里的都写在你的笑弯的嘴角里。In the daylight,We pursue the Sun and brightness,During night,We capture the moon and the dreams.How beautiful is the dream">

爸爸知道,在教育儿子方面,身教比言传更有用。This Daddy knows the truth,That one day the son will follow his examples instead of words.

爱因斯坦说人生就是一个骑自行车的过程,想要平衡好自己就得不停地前进。如果爱因斯坦还活着,子越会告诉他,妈妈也会帮我平衡!更会助我前进。Einstein said that life is like riding on a bicycle, to keep your balance you must keep moving. Ziyue could tell that mom is able to balance me and move me around on a bicycle.


I really want you to know that I love the way you treat me. The way you talked to me,The way you played with me. The way you could always make me feel happy. 子越说:爸爸,我好喜欢你对待我的方式。你和我谈话的样子,你和我玩耍的样子,你让我觉得自己好幸福的样子。

在生命萌芽的晨光里,在那些甜蜜的儿时光阴里,子越眼里的爸爸伟岸挺拔如同参天大树,随时给予他“保护、帮助、爱”。时间在慢慢推移,子越和爸爸紧紧靠在一起探索生活的奥妙。困难、胜利、好事、坏事交叉着,因为有你(爸爸),因为有你(宝贝),我们都成了生命海洋里的弄潮儿。At the "dawn" of life, In those "sweet" early years,Father stands tall in ziyue's eyes. The boy feels protected, nurtured, and loved by a Daddy who is gentle and wise. As the time unfolds,The boy and the father explore the life side by side, though troubles and triumphs, good and bad,Because of you, father,Because of you, babyWe all learned how to roll with the tide of the life and how to rock the life.

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