聚沙成塔造句 聚沙成塔造句_聚沙成塔中英文解释和造句

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聚沙成塔造句 聚沙成塔造句_聚沙成塔中英文解释和造句

发布时间:2020-11-28 03:00:29



聚沙成塔jù shā chéng tǎ







积少成多。 Many a little makes a mickle.

积少成多。 Many a little makes a mickle. Every little makes a mickle.

只有众人的共同努力,才能“聚沙成塔”。 Only by everyone’s best efforts can make a union.

聚沙成塔,积少成多。 Every little helps a mickle.

它们以“积少成多,聚沙成塔”的方式形成工业化经济。 They with ” many a little makes a mickle, many a little makes a mickle ” means forms industrialized economy.

而实际上正是一个个细小的事物聚沙成塔才造就了桩桩大事。 when it is actually the tiny little things that when put together make big things possible?

集腋成裘,聚沙成塔,天威虎伴随着合作伙伴与客户共同成长。 Many a little makes a mickle, Towoho’s achievements are always acpanied with partners’ and customers’ growth.

当然,在大学的时候,我是不可能预见到“聚沙成塔”这个道理的; Of course it was impossible to connect the dots looking forward when I was in college.

我们需要您的大力支持!十元不嫌少﹐千元不嫌多﹐积少成多﹐聚沙成塔。 We need your support no matter how much you will donate.

要知道这样的聚沙成塔有多艰难,看看投资银行摩根士丹利的报告就知道了。 Want to know such many a little makes a mickle has much hardship, see investment bank Magenshidanli’s report knew.

再强调一次,也许你不能预见到“聚沙成塔”,你只有日后回顾,才发现你已经做到。 Again, you can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards.

我们还有许多工作要做,但要有耐心,不可能立刻找到一座金矿,“聚沙成塔,积少成多。” We still have a lot of work to do, but we need to be patient. We can’t strike gold straightaway, it is more a question of small steps leading to success.

而浙商“创业艰难百战多”,财富积累犹如针尖挑土,聚沙成塔,就像唐僧取经一样,历经了九九八十一难。 ” And Zheshang “pioneering Know more difficult, ” the accumulation of wealth as the point of a needle sharing territories, over the passage of time, like San learn, through the lunar difficult.

珍珠、袜子,衬衫、小五金,贡缎……浙江诸暨昔日以这些小产业起家,聚沙成塔,做成了今天赚大钱的“聚宝盆”。 Zhejiang Zhu Jixi day with these miscarriage trade name, many a little makes a mickle, make it profiteer today ” cornucopia ” .

滴水穿石,聚沙成塔。 你知道,当你用力把这些散乱的沙子聚集在一起,他们就会变得很坚实,就像水泥,或者沙雕一样。 China has an old saying; Dishuichuanshi, trickle. You know, when you force these scattered grains of sand together, they will bee very solid, like cement, or like sand sculptures.

躲在隐蔽的汽车旅馆,家里的卧室,坐在电脑前,就能从网络成人音像书店或商店买到,聚沙成塔,数十亿的美元就从这里得来。 Be it in the privacy of a motel room, bedroom of a family, on a puter laptop, bought at an adult bookstore or shop, etc. the billion dollar business is enjoying its best business ever.

然而经费不足是我们最大难处,故发起「慈善大使」活动,盼以聚沙成塔精神,邀您共襄盛举,且将此讯息传达给您身边的每一位朋友,谢谢您! However, short of money is hard for us to do anything. Thus we initial the Humanity Ambassador action. Hope you attend us and send the above message to your friends. Thank you!

投资。软件复用是一种保护天才开发者的技术秘诀和发明创造的方法;这是将易碎的资源变成一个长久的资产。(这是一种聚沙成塔,聚腋成裘的投资。 Investment . Making software reusable is a way to preserve the know-how and inventions of the best developers; to turn a fragile resource into a permanent asset.

对那些以任何形式帮助过灾民的人,容我在此说一句:「谢谢你,我们的救命英雄。」至于那些还没有的,我希望你能和我们一起聚沙成塔,渡过这难关。 For those who have helped in any ways, I must say ‘Thank you, our helping-hero. ‘ For those who haven’t, I hope you may give a helping hand.




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