大彻大悟造句 大彻大悟造句_大彻大悟中英文解释和造句

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大彻大悟造句 大彻大悟造句_大彻大悟中英文解释和造句

发布时间:2020-11-28 07:19:47



大彻大悟dà chè dà wù








我大彻大悟了,觉得兄弟们的话说得极是! I understood pletely and felt what brothers said made sense.

她“在一生中第一次理解大彻大悟后的宁静。” She “understood for the first time in my life the peace that passes all understanding.”

那神情真不愧称之为罗汉,脸上都是一幅大彻大悟的表情。 It looked really deserves to be known as the Ocean, his face is an expression Taichetaiwu.

当前,我们对于有效设计的理解,距离大彻大悟还远着呢。 Our understanding of design effectiveness is far from plete.

他开始大彻大悟:原来没有明天也就意味着一切行为都没有后果。 He began: So there is no tomorrow means that the consequences of all acts are not.

最终之钥:传说中法师能揭开一切秘法并升入上界的大彻大悟的状态。 Final Key, the: The legendary state of understanding where a mage has solved the Mysteries and can ascend to the Supernal World.

其实,每一个越野运动的热爱者,只有亲身经历一场探险,才会大彻大悟。 Actually, the passion of each cross-country motion person, experience personally only expeditionary, can big thorough realizes ability greatly.

下车的一刻,他回顾车厢,也许会为区区一个座位而感慨,自以为大彻大悟。 Get off at the moment, he recalled the cars, may be a seat for a mere emotion, thought.

下车的一刻,他回顾车厢,也许会为区区一个座位而感慨,自以为大彻大悟。 A moment of get off, his review car partment, perhaps will is only a seat but regrets, from think big Che big Wu.

下车的一刻,他回顾车厢,也许会为区区一个座位而感慨,自以为大彻大悟。 When he gets off, suddenly he regrets for his great effort just to struggle for a seat.

每个人在经过剧烈的成功与失败后,不一定能大彻大悟,但起码会有所感悟。 Every one after drastic failure and success may not understand life pletely, but would get some special feelings at least.

每个人在经过剧烈的成功与失败后,不一定能大彻大悟,但起码会有所感悟。 After each dramatic success and failure may not be able Taichetaiwu, but at least are subject to sentiment.

才自此大彻大悟,并亲手为父亲做墓碑,希望父亲在天之灵能感受到他的心意。 Choi missed the last visit, he conscious of guilt. He custom makes a tombstone for his father and hope his father would realize his regret in heaven.

共产世界的人类生命是大彻大悟、大觉大醒的智慧生命,充满思想和行为的智性。 Human life in the Communist world is awakened wise life of great awareness, full of wisdom in thinking and behaviors.

共产世界的人类生命是大彻大悟、大觉大醒的智慧生命,充满思想和行为的智性。 The human life in the munist world is awakened intelligent life of great awareness, full of intelligence in thoughts and actions.

佛教教义中,实现大彻大悟的方法不是回想过去或预知未来,而是“活在当下”。 In Buddhism, the path to enlightenment is lighted not by dwelling on the past or predicting the future, but by staying in the present.

下车那一刻,他回顾车厢,也许会为区区一个座位而感到感慨,自以为大彻大悟。 Get off at that moment, he recalled the car, perhaps for the District 1 seat feel emotion, thinking Taichetaiwu.

都说女人都是要在经历些什么之后才会大彻大悟,感情路不是当事人都是很难理的清。 To say that women are going through what until Dachetaiwu, feeling the way the parties are not difficult to arguments clearance.

我们大多数人最终会大彻大悟,生活质量并不完全是由资产负债表决定的。 Most of us finally have the insight that quality of life is not entirely determined by a balance sheet.

《成佛》说的是释迦在菩提树下进入禅定,经过长期修炼,终于大彻大悟,得道成佛; “Buddha, ” Sakyamuni said that in the bodhi tree into the meditation, after a long-term cultivation, and finally da che da wu , attained Buddhahood;

分支:你守株待兔了好几年,最后终于明白武侠小说里的故事都是骗人的,忽然大彻大悟。 Branch: You Shouzhudaitu for several years and finally understand that the martial arts novel, the story is false, all of a sudden Taichetaiwu.

在她看来,不管动机是好是坏,这种行为都是同样严重的犯罪。这短暂的一刻,她大彻大悟。 A kind intention or a cruel intention made the act seem no less a crime as she looked upon it in that brief moment of illumination.

德国哲学家尼采言:“极度的痛苦才是精神的最后解放者,惟有此种痛苦,才强迫我们大彻大悟”。 Wilhelm Nietzsche, German philosopher, said that: “The extreme pain is the final manumitter in spirit, only this pain could force us to awake greatly.”

那一瞬间,我感觉我丧失了欲穷尽一切真理的欲望,放弃了做一个大彻大悟者的妄想,回到了平常。 At that moment, I felt I lost the motivation to explore all the truth, gave up the desire of being a wiser person, returned myself into the reality.

这种大彻大悟之言,《庄子》有许多地方加以发挥,产生了齐生死、一物我的理论。 These words of greater understanding are developed in much of the Chuang-tzu, in which occur the concepts of the equalization of life with death, and the identity of self with others.

此时,如遇到出现美好的情景,则患者对於哲学、文学、音乐、艺术,似乎都有了全新的理解,大彻大悟。 Right now, if encounter the scene of occurrence happiness, criterion patient to philosophy, literature, music, art, had brand-new understanding it seems that, big thorough is realized greatly.

我需要学会很好的控制自己的情绪,奇怪‘不以物喜,不以己悲’这种大彻大悟的境界是有何等经历的人才能做到? Each person is responsible for his or her own reaction to us, of course. Yet the way we behave makes a difference in others’ lives.

历史证据和现行的文化都证实了喜马拉雅地区各民族对那位“超凡脱俗者”亦即佛祖的教导的持久的忠诚。 Both historical evidence and living culture attest to the enduring devotion of the peoples of the Himalayan region to the teachings of “the enlightened one” or Buddha.

莫菲斯:从外表来看,你相信耳听为虚、眼见为实…你们这种人都在期待有大彻大悟的一天,讽刺的是,如此也算离真相不远了吧。 Morpheus:You have the look of a man who accepts what he see…because he’s expecting to wake up. ironically, this is not far from the truth.

或许会哭、或许会笑、或许会醉,但醉过之后的女人会更加清醒,醉过之后的女人会更加懂得珍惜,醉过 之后的女人会真正明白什么叫大彻大悟。 Although they might cry, laugh or get drunk, after awaking from drunkenness they would bee much soberer and a wearer of cherishment and enlightenment than before.




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