偷的英文 偷盗的英文怎么说

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偷的英文 偷盗的英文怎么说

发布时间:2020-08-14 00:28:09





  Keep a good lookout ( for thieves )

  (对偷盗)严加防范(密切注意)。Stealing is to act badly.

  偷盗是恶劣的行为。 Police routinely confiscate stolen property.

  警察通常是没收被偷盗的赃物。Those stealing or robbing infants or babies for the purpose of selling them

  以出卖为目的.,偷盗婴幼儿的"There are But three ways of living: by working, by stealing, or by begging"

  生活道路有三条∶劳动、偷盗或乞讨The boy started to steal from his own family.

  那孩子是先从自已家开始偷盗的。He took advantage of other's precarious position to steal. It's shameful.

  他乘人之危进行偷盗,真是太可耻了。The spies hatched a scheme to steal government secrets.

  间谍们阴谋偷盗政府的机密。Do not take anyone's property or be false in act or word to another.

  你们不可偷盗,不可欺骗,也不可彼此说谎。 He is not above stealing to get what he wants


  n. 行窃;偷盗;赃品

  There happened pilferages in the galley and the crew modules last night.

  昨晚厨房和船员舱里失窃了。Pilferage in the warehouse reduces profitability by about two per cent.


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