电灯的英文 表示电灯的英文单词有哪些

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电灯的英文 表示电灯的英文单词有哪些

发布时间:2020-08-18 18:10:27



  表示电灯的英文单词:electric lamp

  英 [iˈlektrik læmp] 美 [ɪˈlɛktrɪk læmp]

  electric lamp 基本解释


  1. Firstly, plug the wire cord to electric outlet. signal Lamp in the Electric Box will gleam.


  2. A fine wire heated electrically to incandescence in an electric lamp.


  3. Lightbulb, bulb, incandescent lamp, electric light, electric-light bulb


  表示电灯的单词:electric light

  英 [iˈlektrik lait] 美 [ɪˈlɛktrɪk laɪt]

  名词 电灯,电光

  1. Ten residents of a residential community in Chongqing municipality light up the road near their compound with electric torches for pedestrians every night.

  2. When light waves were projected onto the disc, the direction of the electric field within the waves aligned with the gold nanorods.

  3. He said Bay City Electric Light & Power's policies will be reviewed, but he didn't believe the city did anything wrong.

  4. But I could probably find richer spiritual rewards holding onto an electric fence till I get light headed.

  5. Electric cars should become popular in China in light of increasing oil shortages and environmental problems.

  6. Ouyang said light electric vehicles will become the trend over the next decade.

  7. The music infuses Kunqu Opera with orchestral, light rock and electric music.

  8. Before first light Friday, a convoy of trucks from electric utilities streamed into Mena.

  9. The base from which the beam of electric light will rise will be filled with prayers from people of all nations.


  1. 做的比较多的是当没人在时,把宿舍的.读书室和厨房、实验室以及课室里的电灯关掉。

  I have been switching off lights in my dorm study lounges and kitchens as well in my lab and classrooms.

  2. 又或者,在那里,夜生活像自动放映的影片画面一样在电灯下颤动;世上的女帽、珠宝及其它们所装饰的女人,与使所有这三样成为可能的男人们又一次为了狂欢闹腾和这蔚为壮观的景象汇聚到一样。

  Or, again, where the night life quivers in the electric glare like a kinetoscopic picture, and the millinery of the world, and its jewels, and the ones whom they adorn, and the men who make all three possible are met for good cheer and the spectacular effect.

  3. 当我醒来时,发现眼前一切均已消逝,空洞洞的世界只有电灯开关上荧光带浅微的光芒。

  When I woke up and found that all eyes have been disappearing, the world's only an empty hole on the light switch with light micro-fluorescent light.

  4. 当我伸手触摸电灯的时候,我是在拿生命冒险,且我一点都没有意识到。

  When I reached out for the lamp, I was putting my life at risk. And I was totally unaware of it.

  5. 你们两个去好了,我不想当电灯泡。

  Both of you go, I don't interrupt you.




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