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发布时间:2020-07-29 23:52:30


The Chinese word for the barking of a dog is 汪汪 (wang wang). It sounds exactly the same as 旺旺 (wang wang), which carries the meaning of “prosperous” in Chinese. It is regarded as an auspicious symbol if a dog happens to come to a house. Therefore, many Chinese expect the year of the Dog to be a year of good fortune.

The Chinese word for the barking of a dog is 汪汪 (wang wang). It sounds exactly the same as 旺旺 (wang wang), which carries the meaning of “prosperous” in Chinese. It is regarded as an auspicious symbol if a dog happens to come to a house. Therefore, many Chinese expect the year of the Dog to be a year of good fortune.


“阿里旺旺”是AliWangwang,“旺旺食品”是Want Want。

为什么旺旺集团没有用拼音Wangwang,而是用Want Want呢?我想可能有这样几点原因。

1. 发音上,Want比Wang更像“旺”

Want念起来像“旺特”,一般t念得特别轻,听起来更像“旺”。而Wang一般会念成 /wæŋ/,听起来偏“完”。另外,外国人更容易把Want Want念成四声,而Wangwang可能更容易被念成一二声。

2. Want比Wang多了一层“我想要”的意义


3. Wang在俚语中表示penis,男性生殖器

这个wang的意思只需要了解一下即可,可能一些母语人士也不知道wang有这个意思。如果你恰好姓“王”或“汪”的话也不要觉得尴尬... 我们可以重新定义wang,从wang这个词来宣传我们语言和文化。


欢迎分享转载 →为什么“旺旺”的英文不是wangwang?

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