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发布时间:2020-11-15 14:40:46

每一个在国外日常生活的人都是有一个工作经验,那便是常常要说:I'm sorry,深表歉意。有时借了、或是人体间距他人较近,很有可能对他人导致危害时,都是会先致歉一下。可是,有关致歉有过多的状况,老是应用I'm sorry太过简单,有时也不一定合适。当期转摘了贝贝书斋归纳的一些不一样状况下致歉的叫法,期待对大伙儿有协助。


最先,“I'm sorry!”这句话适用下列场所:

1) 做不对事儿

“I'm sorry for what I've done.”

2) 切断他人讲话

“I'm sorry to interrupt.”

3) 表示慰问

“I'm sorry that your dog died.”

4) 请他人反复刚刚说过得话。

“I’m sorry, can you say that again?”


‘I’m sorry’ 抱歉

‘I’m so / very / really / genuinely sorry’ 确实是抱歉。

‘I’m sorry if…’ 假如让您。。。那简直抱歉。

‘I was wrong’ 对不起。

‘I am /was in the wrong’ 是对不起。

‘Excuse me’ 过意不去(过一下,让一下)。

In informal situations 非正规的场所

‘I’m an idiot’ 我真是蠢!

‘I was out of order’ 就是我情况不太好。

‘I messed up’ 就是我出现失误。

‘I shouldn’t have said that’ 是我讲说错了。

‘I made a stupid mistake’ 我干了件傻事。

In formal situations 宣布场所

‘Pardon me!’ 过意不去(英语口语)!

‘I beg your pardon’ 确实是过意不去。

‘I must apologise’ 我需要反省一下。

‘Please forgive me’ 原谅我!

‘I hope that you can forgive me’ 希望你可以请原谅我!

‘I’m awfully / terribly sorry’ 我确实确实抱歉!

‘I cannot express how sorry I am’ 我没法表述是我多很抱歉!

‘It / (something) was inexcusable’ 我明白我的不正确难以释怀。

‘There is no excuse for my behaviour.’ 我的个人行为难以释怀。

When opening formal letters and emails 宣布信函和电子邮件的开局

‘I would like to express my regret’ 我觉得表述我的悔恨。

‘I apologise wholeheartedly / unreservedly’ 我不遗余力地为您致歉。

For finishing formal letters and emails 宣布电子邮件的末尾

Sincere apologies 另附我真心实意的致歉!

Please accept my / our sincere apologies 请接纳我真心实意的致歉!

Please accept my / our humblest apologies 请接纳我低贱的致歉!

My deepest apologies 另附我深深地的歉疚!

With deepest apologies 另附深刻的歉疚!

Apologizing for small mistakes 为小的不正确,难题致歉

Whoops! Sorry! 哎哟抱歉啊!

Oh! Sorry. 哦!抱歉!

Sorry ‘bout that. 这一抱歉啊!


Oh, my bad. 啊,都是我的错!

My fault, bro. 对不起弟兄。


I’m so sorry. 我确实是十分抱歉!

I apologize. 我像您致歉。


Oh my goodness! I'm so sorry. I should have watched where I was going.


Apologizing for incorrect information 为不精确信息内容致歉。

My mistake. 都是我的错。

I had that wrong. 就是我弄错了。

I was wrong on that. 我那时候搞错了。

My apologies. 很抱歉很抱歉!


Sorry, my apologies. I had that wrong.



I’d like to apologize. 我需要像您致歉。

I want to apologize. 我觉得向您致歉。

I owe you an apology. 我欠您一个致歉。

I wanted to tell you I’m sorry. 我觉得跟您说生抱歉。


I'd like to apologize for my actions yesterday. 我来我昨天的个人行为致歉。


I hope you can forgive me. 期待您能请原谅我。

That was wrong of me. 真的是都是我的错。


I sincerely apologize. 我真心实意的向您致歉。

I take full responsibility. 我愿意担负全部的义务。



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