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四海为家造句 四海为家造句_四海为家中英文解释和造句

发布时间:2020-11-28 07:46:29



四海为家sì hǎi wéi jiā








苏珊天生就是个四海为家的人。 Susan is a born wanderer.

时光飞逝,朋友四海为家。 Time flies, and friends are scattered around.

如果拥有这样一颗心,独步世界,四海为家。 At home in the world, if with a mighty heart.

哦,我们老家在肯塔基,但现在四海为家吧。 WeII, Kentucky originaIIy, but now this is pretty much home.

我四海为家。看到那个石头没?那是我的枕头。 quot; Where I lay my head is home. See that rock? Thats my pillow. "

车前草科的模式属;多数小草本的大的四海为家的属。 type genus of the family Plantaginaceae; large cosmopolitan genus of mostly small herbs.

车前草科的模式属;多数小草本的大的四海为家的属。 genus of the family Plantaginaceae; large cosmopolitan genus of mostly small herbs.

明智者四海为家,大地是他的壁炉,蓝天是他的客厅。 Go where he will , the wise man is at home , his hearth the earth, his hall the azure dome.

明智者四海为家–地球是他的壁炉,蓝天是他的客厅。 Go where he will, the wise man is at home His hearth the earth, his hall the azure dome.

有些人可以四海为家而无拘无束,也有些人可以静坐家中而神游四海。 Some persons can be everywhere at home ; others can sit musingly at home and can be everywhere.

他从未安生,四海为家,因为“未完成”就是他自身情况的真实写照。 Nothing was settled, nowhere was home, because that state of “finnish” was also his own condition.

有些人可以四海为家地无拘无束, 也有些人可以静坐家中而神游四海。 Some persons can be everywhere at home; others can sit amusingly at home and be everywhere.

这些新的领导人可能受教育的层次更高,技术上更有天赋,更能以四海为家。 The new leaders may be better educated, more technologically inclined, and more cosmopolitan.

但加尔各答居民应该向前走出一步,表现出他们自我理解的四海为家观念和宽容。 But Kolkata’s residents should go one step further to live up to their self-perception of being cosmopolitan and tolerant.

它们可以留在自己的家中期待大权在握的那一天到来,或者离开家庭开始四海为家。 They can hang around and hope to take over, or they can leave and bee wanderers.

他胸怀抱负和梦想,他把纽约看作自己的事业起点,像跑马拉松一样在美国四海为家。 He made plans, have dreams and running marathon in this country started in NewYork.

北京的另外一个外派群体正在不断壮大,他们更加年轻、更愿意四海为家,工资也更低。 There is another, growing group of expats in Beijing who are younger, more willing to move around and less expensive to employ.

明智者四海为家–地球是他的壁炉,蓝天是他的客厅。(美国思想家爱默生。R。W。 Go where he will, the wise man is at home His hearth the earth, his hall the azure dome.

一名四海为家的人物可能熟悉各地的风俗礼仪,而一个粗俗的乡下农夫说不定有数不尽的仙灵故事。 A cosmopolitan character might be experienced in the skills of etiquette, while an unrefined peasant might know countless folk tales about the fey.

作为世界上最重要的国际和四海为家的人的中心,香港正以每天都让游人耳目一新的非快速度发展。 As one of the world’s most important international and cosmopolitan centers, Hong Kong has been developing at a tremendous speed, impressing visitors with something new every day.

一位四海为家的角色可能熟习各地的风气礼节,而一个粗鄙的乡下农民说不定有数不尽的仙灵故事。 A cosmopolitan character might be experienced in the skills of etiquette, while an unrefined peasant might know countless folk tales about the fey.

长有或多或少的肉质的茎干的一年生的或多年生的草本;除了在南美,澳大利亚,和新西兰而四海为家的植物。 annual or perennial herbs with stems more or less succulent; cosmopolitan except for South America, Australia, and New Zealand.

苏珊也明白四海为家的生活方式给儿子带来压力,因此她很希望能满足儿子在果冻上的小小要求,因此我也非常愿意帮忙。 She’s willing to ply with his need for just the right kind of jelly, and I was happy to help.

年轻人心胸大得很,闯荡江湖,四海为家,能从兰州只身跑到上海,他还会在乎上海的内环线、外环线与人民广场的距离吗? Young minds very large, soldier, Four Seas for home alone went to Shanghai from Lanzhou, Shanghai, he will care about Link, Link, and the People’s Square distance?

蒲公英的流浪,是报道一年开始的消息,报道这个世界还有一种生命没有终结,报道满载生命的转蓬四处漂泊,四海为家的艰辛。 Stray dandelion is reported news of the beginning of the year, reported that the world is also not the end of life, full of life is reported to wandering around Peng, the hard cosmopolitan.

三十七八九岁。在北美、欧洲、日本和上海都留过打拼的痕迹。曾以四海为家,美欧亚洲游走工作的我,最后发现台北还是最美的家乡。 Thirty something. Having been working in North America, Europe, Japan, Shanghai and now in Taiwan. Ultimately, Taipei is where the home is.

对于球员来说,被卷入交易留言也许并不有趣,他们的亲人也要跟着四海为家,但毫无疑问,每年的这个时候,NBA球迷都热衷于此。 It might not be fun for the players involved – and their families at tempting to stretch roots – but there’s no doubt NBA fans just love trade rumors this time of year.




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